ownCloud in the news

Bridging the Cloud and BYOD Gap ownCloud Commercial Venture

ownCloud is an open source project that enables users to access their data pretty much from any web browser on any device, no matter where it sits. The file and data sync application was put together by Frank Karlitschek and is nominally part of the KDE ecosystem.

ownCloud is an open source project that enables users to access their data pretty much from any web browser on any device, no matter where it sits. The file and data sync application was put together by Frank Karlitschek and is nominally part of the KDE ecosystem.

ownCloud GmbH

März 12, 2012

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5 years of GDPR: We can do without holey shields

5 years of GDPR: We can do without holey shields

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) might be exhausting, but it is a success story. The European Commission should use the fifth anniversary of the GDPR to reconsider „Privacy Shield 2.0“, opines Holger Dyroff, Co-Founder and COO of ownCloud.

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