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ownCloud to play key role in implementation of European Open Science Cloud

ownCloud GmbH, A Kiteworks Company, is proud to announce that it has won the European Commission's "Managed Services for the European Open Science Cloud Platform (EOSC)" tender as part of a consortium of providers.

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is a groundbreaking initiative that aims to revolutionize scientific research collaboration in Europe. ownCloud GmbH was selected as a subcontractor of the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) in Lot 3 – Exchange Application Services for the EOSC EU Node.

ownCloud GmbH will play a crucial role in the digital infrastructure of the project, in particular by providing the flagship product ownCloud Infinite Scale. Collabora Office is integrated into Infinite Scale for seamless digital collaboration on Office documents. The system also enables the sharing and joint editing of Jupyter notebooks, which are popular in science. The solution forms the basis for the entire project structure and offers a scalable and powerful environment for managing and processing large volumes of research data. Potentially half a million users from the entire European science community will be able to use the system for smooth collaboration and data analysis within the EOSC project.

Holger Dyroff, Co-Founder, COO and Managing Director of ownCloud.

Holger Dyroff, Co-Founder, COO and Managing Director of ownCloud.


Holger Dyroff, COO of ownCloud GmbH explains: „We are proud to be part of the winning team of the tender and to make a significant contribution to the European Commission’s groundbreaking EOSC project. ownCloud Infinite Scale serves as the foundation for the entire project structure and provides a scalable and powerful environment for research data management. The high level of data security, fine-grained access control and easy integration with other scientific tools were also decisive factors in winning the contract. “

He adds: „We are delighted that the European Science Cloud has chosen Infinite Scale, ownCloud’s flagship product. It has already proven its versatility and scalability in large projects with literally millions of users. This makes it the rock-solid and future-proof backbone of the EOSC. Furthermore, as an open source solution, ownCloud Infinite Scale is the basis for digital sovereignty at European level.“



The operational launch of the EOSC EU Node is planned for January to August 2024.

Anwesha Ray

Januar 10, 2024

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