
Goodbye ownCloud 9.1 – Welcome ownCloud LTS

With the ownCloud 9.1.8 release we reach the end of the ownCloud 9.1 version. Ensure to upgrade to ownCloud X soon! With the EOL of ownCloud 9.1 we introduce ownCloud LTS for Version 10.0 .

The Last ownCloud 9.1 release

With ownCloud 9.1.8, we release the last ownCloud Server 9.1. release ever. ownCloud 9.1 was a great major release with a lot of modifications, improvements, and new features. But time moves on and so does ownCloud. If you haven’t yet: please upgrade soon to ownCloud X. ownCloud X is the best performing and the most reliable ownCloud release ever.

The Feedback from the Users is great so far! Check out what some of our users think here:  https://owncloud.com/news/owncloud-rocked-cs3-2018-krakow/. With ownCloud X we now introduce Long Time Support (LTS) for the ownCloud Server. We strongly encourage all ownCloud administrators to upgrade their instances to the latest ownCloud 10.0.7 release!


ownCloud X is now an LTS Version. We support ownCloud X until spring 2020. We will release ownCloud X‘s LTS successor in the spring of 2019. ownCloud administrators have one year to upgrade from one major version to the next major version. 

ownCloud is used for Installations with petabytes of storage and millions of files. Our experience shows that instances with several hundred thousand users, plan, test and then execute updates over a longer period of time. In order to allow large ownCloud instances to be prepared for major updates, the support of an LTS version overlaps with the next one by one year. For these instances, we recommend the LTS version of ownCloud which is currently ownCloud X 10.0.7. 

Advantages of the LTS version

With the LTS Version, you have a rock-solid and well-tested base for your production servers. Updates and upgrades are easily done. With each update, you get a list of fixed bugs, minor enhancements and overall improvements to your production servers. Of course, security fixes are in this releases, also.

We intensely work together with all of you! Some of our customers with huge installations from the research community also test ownCloud heavily. Together we improve ownCloud and make it the rock-solid software product that we all trust our data with. Make sure to update your ownCloud instances! Stay tuned for upcoming releases!


März 14, 2018

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