Press release

Linux Journal Readers Again Name ownCloud Among Top Open Source Projects and Best Cloud-Based File Storage

Only Dropbox scores higher in file storage category Lexington, MA – December 9, 2014 – Readers of Linux Journal, the original magazine for the Linux community, have once again named ownCloud, the world’s most popular open source file sync and share project, among the Best New Linux/Open-Source Product/Projects and second only behind Dropbox for Best Cloud-Based File Storage. ownCloud Community gives […]

Only Dropbox scores higher in file storage category

Lexington, MA – December 9, 2014 – Readers of Linux Journal, the original magazine for the Linux community, have once again named ownCloud, the world’s most popular open source file sync and share project, among the Best New Linux/Open-Source Product/Projects and second only behind Dropbox for Best Cloud-Based File Storage.

ownCloud Community gives enthusiasts and technical users a free, secure and innovative way to sync and share data from the storage of their choice. With more than 1.6 million users worldwide, ownCloud offers ease-of-use, flexibility, sophistication, privacy and security unmatched by consumer-grade applications. ownCloud installs easily on a web server, enabling anyone to host their own file sync and share software, using their own storage (and/or cloud storage if they choose), instead of relying on third parties with files stored outside of their control.

“What a great testament to the power of our community and the power of open source,” said Frank Karlitschek, CTO and co-founder, ownCloud. “But of course, now is not the time to rest on our laurels, but instead to continue to give individuals and organizations a safer way to sync and share files.”

About the ownCloud Community
ownCloud began at a community event in 2010, aiming to bring greater flexibility, access and security to data in the cloud. ownCloud enables universal access to files through the widely implemented WebDAV standard, providing a platform to easily view and sync contacts, calendars and bookmarks across devices while supporting sharing, viewing and editing via the web interface. Installation has minimal server requirements, doesn’t need special permissions and is quick. ownCloud is extendable via a simple, powerful API for applications. For more information, please visit:

About ownCloud, Inc.
Based on the popular ownCloud open source file sync and share community project, ownCloud Inc. was founded in 2011 to give corporate IT greater control of their data and files — providing a common file access layer across an organization, enabling file access from any device, anytime, from anywhere, all completely managed and controlled by IT. Company headquarters are in Lexington, MA, with European headquarters in Nuremberg, Germany. For more information, visit:

ownCloud GmbH

Dezember 10, 2014

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