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ownCloud Server 9.1 Now Available

Today we proudly announced the availability of ownCloud Server 9.1 , offering a number of improvements and new features making this new version even faster as well as more stable and secure. This means that upgrade of the Enterprise Edition will be available in the coming weeks. But, what’s really cool about this latest release is […]

Today we proudly announced the availability of ownCloud Server 9.1 , offering a number of improvements and new features making this new version even faster as well as more stable and secure. This means that upgrade of the Enterprise Edition will be available in the coming weeks. But, what’s really cool about this latest release is that most of the changes in this version are available in both the Community and Enterprise Editions.

While there are so many great features and improvements made in ownCloud 9.1, we are especially proud of the improvements made to integrated two-factor authentication, which offers even more security, the workflow engine, and the handling of Windows network drives.

Integrated Two-Factor Authentication

With the newest version of ownCloud, we have modified the two-factor authentication method to allow more technologies and tokens to be used via plugins. This new improvement increases security and users are now able to disable certain tokens. External providers can also develop apps that also ask the user for a second factor when they are logging in with their ownCloud password. This increases security against attacks on sensitive data, as users will only be able to login if they know their password and possess the second factor.

Workflow Engine

Enterprise customers will now have the ability to add triggers to new and modified files allowing documents to be converted automatically into PDFs or sent to a specific recipient by e-mail. When used with the retention app, the file firewall and integrated tagging, this also allows multiple workflows to be integrated into business processes.

Windows Network Drives

Due issues with SMB shares, ownCloud 9.1 Enterprise Edition will work with notifications directly in Windows network drives. Before the introduction of this new handling, it could take too long for scanning to finish, especially for larger enterprises with thousands of files. Now, scanning has become obsolete.

Take a test drive of the new Community Edition and let us know what you think. And be sure to keep an eye out over the next few weeks for the announcement of the new Enterprise Edition.

ownCloud GmbH

Juli 21, 2016

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