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ownCloud Android 2.5.0 release. Now with oAuth2 support.

The brandnew ownCloud Android app 2.5.0 is released, with OAuth2 support. Protect your data and upgrade now!

ownCloud Android client 2.5.0 comes with a new Secure Authentication Workflow, improved stability and some enhancements.

OAuth2 adds another security layer to your ownCloud.

The OAuth2 is a mechanism that prevents you from storing your credentials on the device itself. The device gets a token by the server which can be revoked any time. This means there is no login credentials on the device which could be read by thefts. We now protect your android device with the secure authorisation flow.

Trend Micro says in this study (Link to .pdf) : Hacking or malware are not the leading causes of breaches. Device loss is the main cause for Data Breaches.

For more information on OAuth2 check out this article by DigitalOcean.


Other Improvements in this release:

  • Show file listing option (anonymous upload) when sharing a folder (OC X required)
  • Proper notifications when virus is detected during upload.
  • Some UX/UI Fixes
  • Instant uploads  are now more reliable
  • Other Bug fixes

Make sure to update now, to benefit of the enhanced security, better overall stability and reliable workflows.


Oktober 9, 2017

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ownCloud ernennt David Walter zum CXO

ownCloud ernennt David Walter zum CXO

ownCloud, Anbieter der gleichnamigen Open-Source-Plattform für Content Collaboration stärkt seine strategische Ausrichtung in Richtung Kunden und setzt hierfür ein klares Zeichen: Mit der neu geschaffenen Position des Chief Experience Officer (CXO) verfolgt das Unternehmen das Ziel, die Customer Experience kontinuierlich zu verbessern und eine konsistente Kommunikation mit allen Stakeholdern zu fördern.

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