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ownCloud hackathon in Nuremberg

In the week from March 23 to 27, ownCloud developers get together in the ownCloud office in Nuremberg to work on infusing more awesome in ownCloud. We’d like to invite anybody interested in helping and hanging out with us to join! Practicalities The office has limited space, so please sign up with the doodle and […]

Coding in progress
In the week from March 23 to 27, ownCloud developers get together in the ownCloud office in Nuremberg to work on infusing more awesome in ownCloud. We’d like to invite anybody interested in helping and hanging out with us to join!


The office has limited space, so please sign up with the doodle and note when you’ll be there. First come, first serve!

If you need a hotel, these suggestions are close by and reasonably affordable:

Right next to the office and the hotel is the subway station NordOstBahnhof.

If you’re wondering what you need to be welcome: an optimistic attitude is plenty. And if you can’t be there but want to help and join in spirit – see how to get involved and check our IRC channel – " target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">owncloud-dev on freenode.


März 6, 2015

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ownCloud ernennt David Walter zum CXO

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ownCloud erweitert sein Partnernetzwerk durch Kooperationen mit OpenTalk und mspaces

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