News from ownCloud

ownCloud is almost 5 – Celebrate with us

5 years ago — on January the 17th 2010 to be exact — Frank announced the ownCloud project as part of the Camp KDE keynote in San Diego. Over the next 5 years, we — you and us — have built a great way to safely share and sync files. We’ve also together built a […]

owncloud 1.0rc5 years ago — on January the 17th 2010 to be exact — Frank announced the ownCloud project as part of the Camp KDE keynote in San Diego. Over the next 5 years, we — you and us — have built a great way to safely share and sync files. We’ve also together built a wonderful community of talented people.

So, we want to celebrate this anniversary together with you. And what would be a better way than hearing from you the developers and users — our community.

If you are an ownCloud user, please send us an email: how do you use ownCloud? Why? Any story about how ownCloud saved your bacon, or made you a hero? We will create a special website and feature some of your responses, pictures and videos.

If you are an ownCloud developer, same deal: why ownCloud, anything fun you want to share?

So if you like ownCloud and want to help send a mail to with:

  • Your birthday wishes for ownCloud
  • When did you get involved with ownCloud?
  • When and how did you heard of ownCloud for the first time?
  • What do you like about ownCloud?
  • What can be improved in ownCloud?
  • On what hardware do you run ownCloud?
  • How many users do you have on your ownCloud instance?
  • What else do you want to say?

Please send us your email by January the 15th to

We will feature the best quotes on a special anniversary website.

Thanks a lot to everyone!!


Januar 8, 2015

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