
ownCloud is Getting Ready for the Big Shows

‘Tis the season for ownCloud to attend conferences around the world. And boy do we have a busy schedule this month. So if we are in your area or if you would like to attend the events, even if they’re not local, be sure to register and then come visit us! (Registration links will be provided below) […]

‘Tis the season for ownCloud to attend conferences around the world. And boy do we have a busy schedule this month. So if we are in your area or if you would like to attend the events, even if they’re not local, be sure to register and then come visit us! (Registration links will be provided below)

The season kicks off next week with ownCloud attending IBM Edge in Las Vegas from May 11th-15th. While we are there Frank has been asked to participate in a 2 hour talk, Tuesday the 12th, and it is estimated that there will be about 1,000 attendees in the room! So make sure you set aside some time to catch Frank and come by booth #114 to visit the rest of the team.

Following Las Vegas, we’ll be home for the weekend before we have the busiest week of all, which has no less than THREE events scheduled!

First, we’ll be heading down to sunny Orlando, Florida to the Gartner Digital Workspace Summit from the 18th-20th where ownCloud has a silver sponsorship. Come hang out with us at booth #319 where you can enter our drawing for a quadcopter drone! And if you would like to set up a little one on one time with us be sure to request a meeting with us below.

Then, while the group of our American staff are working on their tans and meeting a load of new people in Orlando, a group of our German staff will be hosting an ownCloud event in Munich on May 19th. Attendees will have the chance to learn more about Universal File Access and will get insight into customer projects. Join the event and interact with our customers, prospects and partners. It is sure to be a great day.

The following two days, the 20th and 21st, our German crew will then attend the Gartner CIO & IT Executive Summit, also in Munich. Like at the Orlando Gartner Summit Event, ownCloud has a silver sponsorship. Be sure to stop by our booth S8 which will be on-site.

Wow! Talk about a whirlwind two weeks! Following these events the team can take a short breather before heading to TNC15, the largest research and education networking conference, in Porto, Portugal from June 15th-18th. We will be at booth #14 in case you want to drop by to meet the team. If you would like to get some one on one time make sure to set up an appointment below.

We hope that you will get the opportunity to join us at these events, they are going to be a lot of fun!


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Mai 8, 2015

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