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ownCloud Server 10.0.4 available

ownCloud 10.0.4 Release is out update now! With ownCloud 10.0.4 ownCloud follows its path of improving overall stability, quality and data integrity.

ownCloud Version 10.0.4 is refining ownCloud in many small aspects, making it more configurable and adaptable to any use case.

With this ownCloud Release , the most visible change is a rework of the public link sharing options, making them more intuitive and easier to understand. Users can specify exactly what they want to allow when they share their files.

Sharing optionsWe also refined user name options; as users can choose their display name in self-service and display names are not unique, it is possible that a user can’t distinguish with whom he wants to share a file. To cover this case the admin can now additionally display the E-Mail addresses or user IDs to their names. Also usernames must now be at least 3 characters long, to prevent issues with very short usernames.

Another feature that was introduced is

occ files:scan --repair

which is supposed to repair inconsistencies in the database. The upgrade process will prompt the admin to run it, if they need it.

Apart from that, a short overview of the rest of the changes:

  • More granular sharing restriction options (“Restrict users to only share within their groups”)
  • CORS support for public API routes (security enhancement)
  • Fixes for external storage configuration (e.g. Dropbox v2 external storage extension)
  • Added occ command to change/recreate a master-key for storage encryption
  • Added mode of operations to differentiate between single-instance or clustered setup
  • Amazon S3 library upgraded to use V4 signature for all external S3 storage connections
  • all 10.0.3 known issues are fixed

ownCloud is making a lot of progress. With 10.0.3 we released 9.1.7 and 9.0.11, but end of life is approaching. 9.0.11 is the last version of the ownCloud 9.0 family despite being already end of life since October, and 9.1 is going to reach end of life too in February 2018.

So upgrade now, to adapt your ownCloud to the future!


It is highly recommended to read the release notes carefully before updating:

Release Notes:




Dezember 8, 2017

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ownCloud ernennt David Walter zum CXO

ownCloud ernennt David Walter zum CXO

ownCloud, Anbieter der gleichnamigen Open-Source-Plattform für Content Collaboration stärkt seine strategische Ausrichtung in Richtung Kunden und setzt hierfür ein klares Zeichen: Mit der neu geschaffenen Position des Chief Experience Officer (CXO) verfolgt das Unternehmen das Ziel, die Customer Experience kontinuierlich zu verbessern und eine konsistente Kommunikation mit allen Stakeholdern zu fördern.

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