
Personal Cloud Solutions on the Rise

It’s Time for You to Take the Cloud Back From Corporations.

After the NSA scandal came to light, personal cloud solutions have increased, according to Wired’s Clive Thompson – who called it “the Edward Snowden effect,” in his opinion piece “It’s Time for You to Take the Cloud Back From Corporations.” He continues, “People now know that the cloud isn’t intangible. It’s hardware run by large companies, snoopable by spy agencies.”

With the personal cloud you download software and store all of your data on your own server and you have more control. According to Thompson, BitTorrent CEO Eric Klinker says, ‘“…if anybody wants to know what you’re doing, they can’t go and ask one of the big servers. They have to hand the warrant to you.”’

Good idea!

ownCloud GmbH

März 13, 2014

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