
Review: ownCloud 6 Addresses Cloud Security FUD

Did you see the latest ownCloud review? So check out the review, then come in and check out ownCloud Enterprise 6.

Did you see the latest ownCloud review?

Says Frank Ohlhorst of Enterprise Networking Planet: “All things considered, the latest iteration of ownCloud delivers a feature set that should be the envy of any cloud-based file sharing and collaboration service, while providing enterprises with the security features and absolute control over access needed today.”

Wow – boy do we agree!

What we really tried to do with ownCloud 6 was to give end users all the power, flexibility and ease-of-use as Cloud services and corporate IT all the control, management and reporting capabilities they need to protect sensitive corporate data.

Says Ohlhorst:
“The company has just released a significant upgrade to its ownCloud Enterprise Edition platform, now called ownCloud 6 Enterprise Edition, a software solution that offers cloud-like file sync and share services, all without the need for external cloud service providers or the cloud security risks they pose.”

“OwnCloud 6 Enterprise Edition is a software/hardware package that administrators can deploy on their own internal infrastructure for full control over a cloud technology-based file synchronization and sharing solution.”

“What’s more, ownCloud 6 incorporates a file firewall, SAML/Shibboleth authentication, full logging (for auditing), and support for a number of SQL databases. Those elements help extend ownCloud beyond the corporate DMZ and offer cloud-based file sync and share services to external or mobile users, in effect allowing those hosting an internal ownCloud solution to transform that solution into a true cloud services offering..”

So check out the review, then come in and check out ownCloud Enterprise 6.

ownCloud GmbH

Juni 4, 2014

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