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talks from the ownCloud conference 2016 weekend

Dear ownClouders, thanks to the awesome c3voc Team for recording our talks and sessions on Saturday and Sunday! Please find here the  List of Talks and the recordings of it.   Welcome and Introduction  by Franka Wittek and Jonathan Kawohl Keynote: Cornelius Schumacher on the „Freedom of Webservices“ Sergio Bertolin: „Avoiding a Swarm of Bugs […]


Dear ownClouders,

thanks to the awesome c3voc Team for recording our talks and sessions on Saturday and Sunday!

Please find here the  List of Talks and the recordings of it.


Welcome and Introduction  by Franka Wittek and Jonathan Kawohl

Keynote: Cornelius Schumacher on the „Freedom of Webservices“

Sergio Bertolin: „Avoiding a Swarm of Bugs using behat automated tests“

Piotr Mrowczynski: „Benchmarking and monitoring framework for interconnected file synchronization and sharing services“

Thomas Müller: „Webdav Reloaded“

Simon Fishley: „ownCloud using our SAN storage“

Piotr Mrowczynski: „LDAP as a thorn in ownCloud’s flesh“

David A. Velasco: „Next in mobile syncing“ 

Noelia Alvarez: „iOS ownCloud App“

David A. Velasco: „Meanwhile, on the Android side… „

Jonathan Kawohl: „My first year at ownCloud“

Michael Roth: „OC heart fileservice“

Michael Meeks: „Keynote – Integrating ownCloud and Collabora“ 

Holger Dyroff: „Holger Dyroff : The future of ownCloud a short insight“

Thomas Citharel: „Developing ownCloud for our own needs“ 

Patrick Maier: „Open Planning Process“ 

Jocelyn Turcotte: „Sync engine unit testing for the desktop client“ 

Felix Böhm: „Video Conference with jitsi-meet“

Michael Stingl: „Branding with ownBrander and Tips and Tricks“ 

Oscar Arias Farrera: „VNC Lagoon – OwnCloud – Zimbra – Collabora Online“ 

Michael Stingl: „Getting Insights from your ownCloud and Desktop and Mobile Clients“

Jesús Recio: „Mobile automated test“

David Toledo Celada: „Several ways to help testing oC, an introduction for the community“


And of course Thanks to all the speakers for making this event such an great success!


Yours John and and Franka


September 14, 2016

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