It is Cyber Monday. In my opinion, an infinitely preferable alternative to the mayhem that occurred on Black Friday when all I want to do is hide in a cave from the rabid crowds. I prefer the things that money can’t buy, like love, happiness, and the cloud, although investors are certainly trying to snatch up as much equity in this area as they can. This holiday season, it seems like cloud technology is hotter than the iPad mini. If big data and platform-as-a-service get you excited, check out CloudBeat 2012 where some of the biggest names in the industry will gather for discussion.
Europäisch-amerikanisches Datenschutzabkommen – Wieder versucht, wieder gescheitert
Das jüngst beschlossene Abkommen zwischen den USA und der EU ist bereits der dritte Versuch, einen sicheren Transfer personenbezogener Daten von Europa nach Amerika sicherzustellen. Holger Dyroff, Co-Founder und COO von ownCloud, sieht auch in dem neuen Regulierungsversuch keine zufriedenstellende Lösung.