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Announcing the ownCloud Foundation

Today we announce the creation of the ownCloud Foundation.  The Foundation is a not-for-profit organization with the charter of stewarding the ownCloud ecosystem, and guaranteeing the viability and availability of free ownCloud now and in the future.  I have had an interest in starting a foundation for ownCloud for years and now, the time is […]

The ownCloud Foundation

Today we announce the creation of the ownCloud Foundation.  The Foundation is a not-for-profit organization with the charter of stewarding the ownCloud ecosystem, and guaranteeing the viability and availability of free ownCloud now and in the future.  I have had an interest in starting a foundation for ownCloud for years and now, the time is right.

This means the leadership of the community and the product direction will be determined by the ownCloud Foundation’s members and board.  Membership is free and open to everyone.  We have proposed four working groups to focus on in the beginning:


For those of you who are already very involved with ownCloud, nothing changes in how you contribute.  However, you will find a re-commitment to open development and direction for each working group as set by the working group lead.

The board will provide oversight and will have demonstrated expertise in multiple areas that impact the ownCloud ecosystem.  From frequent contributors to large scale deployments to those elected by the community, we hope to offer a home for everyone.

You can find a lot more info about the Foundation at  The mission and charter, the details on membership, elections, board, funding, preliminary bylaws and more are available there. (You may also join the Foundation public mailing list to stay involved.)

Lastly, this ensures that ownCloud will continue as the amazing project it is, regardless of the commercial entity.  Welcome to the ownCloud Foundation!


May 31, 2016

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ownCloud Appoints David Walter as CXO

ownCloud Appoints David Walter as CXO

ownCloud, provider of the open source content collaboration platform of the same name, is strengthening its strategic focus on customers and sending a clear signal: With the newly created position of Chief Experience Officer (CXO), the company aims to continuously improve the customer experience and promote consistent communication with all stakeholders.

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