As the ownCloud project gains in popularity, a lot of our community people want to use and integrate ownCloud with their specific mobile platform. We talk a lot here about ownCloud being “extensible,” and integrating ownCloud with these mobile platforms is just one great example. Everyone can extend ownCloud and adapt to different needs, in fact, we recently held a standing-room-only webinar on how to build ownCloud apps.
ownCloud is open source and uses only open protocols so it’s very easy to work with and integrate into existing systems.
The latest examples from the community:
- ownCloud news reader for Android
- ownCloud calendar sync for Android
- ownCloud Bookmarks Syncing for Android
- ownCloud News Apps for Blackberry (and other platforms)
- ownCloud News App for iOS
And work has started on an ownCloud File App for Windows Phone and on the Windows 8 client.
These are all great examples why open source and open protocols are so powerful.
Anyone who wants to contribute please check the documentation at or get in contact with the developers at