
Show your true self in ownCloud 6

Great new feature that can help users more easily recognize other users -- Avatars!

ownCloud 6 has a great new feature that can help users more easily recognize other users — Avatars!

Document management is great, but it’s even better when you recognize the people with whom you are sharing. Now, small user avatar pictures are
supported to help with recognition — especially useful for larger organizations and businesses.

Users can upload a new picture — which can be adjusted to fit the avatar — or choose a pre-loaded picture.

Users who haven’t set an avatar picture get a default one based on the first letter of their name. Avatars are displayed in the right top corner of the
interface so people can easily check if they are in the right account. Avatars show up in the activity stream and are also used in the ownCloud Documents app if you do collaborative editing.

Avatars also show up in usermanagement to make it easier for administrators.

So, show your true self in ownCloud 6 — add your avatar!

ownCloud GmbH

November 7, 2013

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