
Yes, there IS file after death

Ever made a mistake and wanted to roll back to that thing you deleted, but couldn’t get it?

Who out there works on files? (I hope everyone raises their hands at that one!)
Ever made a mistake and wanted to roll back to that thing you deleted, but couldn’t get it? Of course, we all had this happen at one time or another. And track changes just doesn’t do it, so most people have versions of a file now – hello world 20130326 v1, v2, …, v43 and more.

But, just for a minute, what if you didn’t have to?

That is what we are out to do with our latest versioning app – rid the world of the need to keep all their past versions. Make a change to a file? Just save it on the desktop, and let ownCloud do the rest for you, saving all versions on the server.

Woah! Talk about a not-so-sexy topic – Versioning! Maybe so, but this is a very useful tool to make our users’ lives simpler.

How does it work?
ownCloud creates a version when you upload a file to the server. This is the baseline. Then, a new version gets created the next time a file is uploaded. If the uploads happen too fast, ownCloud automatically knows to keep making new versions, and extends the versioning time in 10 second, minute, hour, and daily intervals. ownCloud then keeps these versions, and with a click on the versions tab in the browser, users can roll back at will and sync the file across devices.

Of course, all of these files take up disk space, and the versions will too – and this is the other place ownCloud helps you out.
If you run out of quota because of versions, ownCloud will start removing the oldest versions of a file to make space for the new files. And that is just one more plug-in application that makes working with ownCloud easy for the end user.

So check out the new versioning app in ownCloud and save the versioning for the sever.

ownCloud GmbH

March 19, 2013

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