With ownCloud Server 10.11, internal and external collaboration with multiple users is now a lot more efficient and easier. The new version also delivers several bug fixes and promises more stability. We strongly recommend carefully perusing the release notes before upgrading.
What’s New
Edit permission for public links on single files
The new version delivers a major change in the creation and use of public links on single files. In previous versions of ownCloud Server, users had the option to create public links on single files only with read-only permissions (Download / View). The only way for users to allow recipients to edit the files was to put the file in a folder and share the folder with editing permissions (Download / View / Edit).
Server 10.11 makes this process much more efficient by introducing the Download / View / Edit role for public link shares on single files. This new feature makes it very convenient for users to collaborate with external parties when using ownCloud in combination with web office solutions like ONLYOFFICE, Collabora Online or Microsoft Office Online.

Edit permission for public links
Sharing with multiple users at once
ownCloud Server 10.11 makes sharing with multiple users a breeze. All that a user needs to do is enter the details (e.g., display name, user ID, email address, federated cloud ID etc.) of the users they need to collaborate with, as a comma-separated list in the sharing dialog (e.g., alice,bob@example.org,carol).
Based on the input, ownCloud will decide on the exact nature of a share (for example, share with an internal user, invite a new guest, create a federated share etc.). This makes it delightfully easy for a user to invite multiple users at once to collaborate on files and folders.

Share easily with users, groups or federated users
Inviting new guests to Custom Groups
Server 10.11 in combination with Custom Groups 0.7.0 and Guests 0.12.0 allows users to invite new guest directly into a Custom Group. Previously, the only way of doing this was by sharing files with new guests first, creating their user account thereby and adding them to a respective group. This way, creating groups for sharing becomes a lot easier and flexible. Custom Groups now also support inviting multiple users at once as above.
Other notable changes
The new server version has more scope for customization and personalization; for example, the default app on login can now be set for an individual user which will automatically be used by ownCloud Web (if installed and enabled), so that users are always redirected to their preferred UI based on their last choice. Also, ownCloud Web will now respect the user’s language preference set in the Classic UI. Storage encryption has received a number of stability improvements. The process for the first login of new users and the SAML/SSO login are now more stable.
With the new version, users are sure to find it easier to use the Comments feature in small screens. The quota feature has been improved in regards of covering corner cases better. Furthermore, there are some improvements for administrators regarding maintenance making it possible to obtain more information about background jobs.
PHP dependencies update:
This release uses guzzle 7. The complete bundle contain several app updates that were migrated from guzzle 5 to guzzle 7. Please check any non-standard apps for guzzle 7 compatibility. If in doubt, disable these apps before upgrading.
Download, release notes, changelog
As usual, you will find the new version on the download page. Linux repositories and Docker Hub have been updated, too. For further information regarding the new features and enhancements in ownCloud Server 10.11, please visit the release notes and the changelog.