ownCloud in the news

OpenSource.com: Get your own cloud and reclaim your data

Frank Karlitschek founded ownCloud, a personal cloud platform that also happens to be open source, in 2011. Why open source? Frank has some strong opinions about how we host and share our data, and with the recent scrutiny on security and privacy, his thoughts are even more relevant. In this interview, I ask Frank some […]

Frank Karlitschek founded ownCloud, a personal cloud platform that also happens to be open source, in 2011. Why open source? Frank has some strong opinions about how we host and share our data, and with the recent scrutiny on security and privacy, his thoughts are even more relevant. In this interview, I ask Frank some questions I’ve been wondering about my own personal data as well as how ownCloud might play a role in a more open, yet secure, data future.

A little history on Frank: He is a long time open source contributor and former board member of the KDE e.V. After 10 years of managing engineering teams, today he is the project leader and maintainer of ownCloud. Additionally he is the co-founder and CTO of ownCloud Inc. which offers ownCloud for enterprises.

ownCloud GmbH

September 16, 2015

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5 years of GDPR: We can do without holey shields

5 years of GDPR: We can do without holey shields

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) might be exhausting, but it is a success story. The European Commission should use the fifth anniversary of the GDPR to reconsider „Privacy Shield 2.0“, opines Holger Dyroff, Co-Founder and COO of ownCloud.

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