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ownCloud Conference 2017 announced

The ownCloud conference is going to happen for the 4th time in 2017. We are expecting 200 attendees from all over the world to join us for two days of conference and three days of hacking and hands-on. The oCCon17 is held at TH Nürnberg from September, 20th – 23rd The ownCloud Conference aims to reach contributors, […]
ownCloud Conference

The ownCloud conference is going to happen for the 4th time in 2017. We are expecting 200 attendees from all over the world to join us for two days of conference and three days of hacking and hands-on.

The oCCon17 is held at TH Nürnberg from September, 20th – 23rd

The ownCloud Conference aims to reach contributors, users, admins, developers, translators, resellers, hosters, value-adders,  … anyone who is interested, has worked with ownCloud or plans to do so.

At first the call for sponsors and the call for sessions is open. In a few days the registration for attendees will also come live.


Mai 30, 2017

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ownCloud ernennt David Walter zum CXO

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