Press release

Three Trends Driving Hybrid Cloud File Sharing

ownCloud Webinar: Why 2014 is the year of hybrid cloud, with ESG analyst Terri McClure

ownCloud Webinar: Why 2014 is the year of hybrid cloud, with ESG analyst Terri McClure

Lexington, MA – May 6, 2014 – Hybrid cloud models offer enterprises the control, security and flexibility required to integrate existing infrastructure investments and still preserve sensitive data. Join ESG Senior Analyst Terri McClure and ownCloud’s Matt Richards as they share critical data driving the shift to a hybrid model.

Tracking, protecting and controlling data are among the things not available on most public cloud services says ownCloud, Inc., the company behind the world’s most popular open source file sync and share software, who will be presenting the “Three Trends Driving Hybrid Cloud File Sharing”, part of a series educating organizations on how to protect and maintain control of their data.

A recent survey conducted by Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. found:

  • Adoption of corporate file sharing is on the rise, with 42% of companies currently using solutions
  • 90% of current and potential OFS (Online File Sharing) users prohibit some type of data from being stored in the public cloud
  • Accordingly, 69% of organizations already using cloud-based solutions state they are extremely interested in file sync and share with on-premises storage

“We are seeing significant pent up demand for online file sharing solutions that allow users to store some or all of their data on premises,” said McClure. “There are a number of drivers behind this demand. In addition to security concerns organizations express when it comes to storing data in the cloud, they also want to have control over where they store their data, and the ability leverage existing IT investments.”

With more than 1.3 million users worldwide, ownCloud offers the ease-of-use, flexibility, sophistication, privacy and security unmatched by consumer-grade apps. ownCloud installs easily on a web server, enabling organizations to host their own file sync and share, using their own storage (or cloud storage they choose), and protected by all the investments they’ve already made in security, management, tracking, governance and more.
Join this interactive webinar Tuesday, May 13 at noon EDT with McClure and Richards.

About ownCloud Inc.
Based on the popular ownCloud open source file sync and share community project, ownCloud Inc. was founded in 2011 to give corporate IT greater control of their data — combining greater flexibility, openness and extensibility. Company headquarters are in Lexington, MA, with European headquarters in Nuremberg, Germany. For more information, visit:

ownCloud GmbH

Mai 8, 2014

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