
Webinar:  How to Manage Your ownCloud Installation

Whether using a mobile device, a workstation, or a web client, ownCloud provides the ability to put the right files in the right hands at the right time on any device in one simple-to-use, secure, private and controlled solution. We get quite a few questions about how to best manage the installation process, so why […]

Whether using a mobile device, a workstation, or a web client, ownCloud provides the ability to put the right files in the right hands at the right time on any device in one simple-to-use, secure, private and controlled solution. We get quite a few questions about how to best manage the installation process, so why not let Bob Boule, ownCloud Senior Consultant walk through things during an interactive webinar? So, do yourself a favor— register today and bring your questions to the August 6th webinar. We look forward to seeing you there!

ownCloud GmbH

Juli 31, 2013

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