Currently, organizations need a fast way to spin up remote work environments for their staff. Imagine you could use ownCloud, the market-leading enterprise share and sync, without it staff on your payroll or servers in your basement.
Now you can: With ownCloud.Online, you get the safety, ease of use und compliance of ownCloud as a Service. It includes everything our market-leading open source software for cloud-based collaboration offers, sans the work to set up and maintain.
- easy and secure data sharing in your organization, GDPR-compliant
- clients for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Linux and a great Web App
- integrated OnlyOffice for easy and secure real-time collaboration on files
- track changes, create custom groups and share data with guest accounts
- encrypted storage, encrypted file transfer and end-to-end file encryption
- your own private cloud instance in highly secure data centers in Germany
- and so much more
For switching to remote, offers a fast and lightweight solution to boost your organization’s productivity, especially if you have security requirements or regulations to comply to, or both.