Beta & Testing

ownCloud has relied on the highest quality, innovation and the power of our dedicated community since the project’s inception in 2010.


By participating in the testing of our beta versions, you directly contribute to more stability, security and improved user experience and we really appreciate your engagement. By the way, if you are keen to learn even more about how you can contribute to the ownCloud project, click here:

Subscribe now!

Join our beta program: Get updates right to your inbox when new TestFlights, tech previews and release candidates are available.

ownCloud Infinite Scale Stable Version

  The stable version of ownCloud Infinite Scale was released in November 2022 for general availability. Give it a test drive, and be sure to let us know in case you find any issues with the software or the documentation. Please contribute bugs and issues on GitHub or ownCloud Central!

See the changelog

Download and install

Getting started with ownCloud Infinite Scale is pretty straightforward. It only takes three terminal commands: Curl-ing the package, making it executable and running it.


Find a developer’s guide for ownCloud Infinite Scale here. If you find something to improve in the documentations, just file a pull request and we will happily merge it.

Bug reports & issue tracker

To report about bugs and enhance requests please use the GitHub issue tracker. Please make sure to check if a bug was already reported before posting a new one.

Beta for ownCloud desktop app

Sometime before major releases we provide a beta or release candidate (RC) for our desktop clients You can download and testdrive it here. 

If you don’t want to take any risks, try the test pilot. It runs independently of your production system.

See the changelog

How can I send my feedback to ownCloud developers?

If you find a bug or want to make any suggestion, please participate in one of these channels:

  • Open a new issue on GitHub 
  • Open a new topic on our community forum Central 

Your feedback is highly appreciated!




August 28, 2023
August 28, 2023

Daily for ownCloud desktop app

Automatic builds for our desktop client are created daily. You are most welcome to test them. The super brave testdrive daily builds straight from the development branch. Choose the TestPilot flavour if you plan on running it next to a production desktop app on your machine.

See the changelog

Testpilot for ownCloud desktop app

The ownCloud Testpilot desktop client can be installed in parallel to your production client without touching your production data. This is ideal for testing purposes of new versions or features.

Go to stable desktop app

See the changelog



Join the beta program on Android

ownCloud beta tester on Android

How to join the beta testing program?

If you want to join the beta program in PlayStore, you will need to have the latest app version installed. If you already have the latest version installed, go to ownCloud app in PlayStore and scroll down to the end of the view; there you will see a new tab like the one below, simply press the “I’M IN” button to join and your app will be replaced with the beta.

How can I send my feedback to ownCloud developers?

If you find a bug or want to make any suggestion, please participate in one of these channels:

  • Open a new issue on GitHub 
  • Open a new topic on our community forum Central 
  • Write us an email

Your feedback is highly appreciated!

Join the beta program on iOS

How to test?

Download the iOS TestFlight App and join the ownCloud beta program on iOS by clicking on this link on your iPhone or iPad.

 Found a bug or have some ideas for improvement?

  • Open a new issue on GitHub
  • Open a new topic in our community forum Central
  • Write us an email

Ideally, you send us your test reports directly from within the TestFlight app.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!

ownCloud Testflight on iOS

Loving technology?

Be part of our community and contribute to ownCloud. Whatever your skillset, there are lots of ways how you can contribute:

Customer Support

Contact options for our customers and help desk.

Download Desktop App

Integrate your ownCloud directly in your Finder or Explorer. Give your data a real new home.

Download Mobile Apps

Bring your productivity game to the next level. Download our Android or iOS app from the app stores.